2017-03-06  浏览:15


(一)信头(Letter Head)

(二)封内地址(Inside Addres$)

(三)称呼(Salutation or Greeting)

(四)信的正文(Body Of the letter)

(五)结束礼词(Complimentary C10Se)





(c)经办人姓名(Pamcular Addres$Or AttentiOn Line)

(d)事由(Subject Heading Or Cap“On)‘

(e)查号或参考编号(Reference NIlillber)

(f)抄送(Carbon C99y NotatlOn),简写c.c.




│ 350 Park Avenue │

│ New York,New York 10017 │

│ Telephone(No.)225—2780 (6)Your Reference: │

│ Cable AddteSS2“EAS丁SEA’’ Our Reference:3456 │

│ Telex Cdl No.222711(RCA)│

│ April 12,1978  │



│ (二) Kanto Mercantile Corporation│

│ 2-1, NihonbasM 3-chome, Chuo-ku │

│ Tokyo I01│


│ (c) Attention: Mr. Maki Abe, Export Manager │

│(三) Gentlemen:  │

│ (d) Re: U.S. Products’ New Price List│

│(四) Enclosed is a new Price list of U.S, Products, Inc. │

│ indicating a full range of their products.  │

│ We can quote on all cfi the%e items, except a few items │

│ that are shipped from Europe or Australia. If you are│

│ interested ha receiving CIF quotations on any of these │

│ items, please let us know and we shall be glad to send  │

│ them to you. │

│ We await good news from you. │

│ (五) Very truly yours,  │


│ (六) (Signature) │

│ James Parrington │

│ Vice President  │

│(a) End. Price List  │

│(0 cc: Mr. John Hayward, San Francisco   │




1.缩行式(1ndented styl6)

2,平头式(Block style)

3,混合式(Semiblock Style with indented paragraphs)



│ China National Light Industrial Products    │

│ import & Export Corporation  │

│ 82 Tung An Men Street    │

│ Beijing, China.  │

│ Our ref. No. January 30, 1978    │

│ Your ref. No.    │

│ The Pakistan Trading Company, │

│ 15, Broad Street, │

│ Karachi, Pakistan.   │

│Dear Sirs,    │

│ Chinese Light Industrial Products │

│ We thank you for your letter of January 10 and shall be   │

│glad to enter into business relations with your firm.  │

│ As you know, it is our policy to trade with~ the people of   │

│all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. │

│We believe we shall be able, by joint efforts, to promote  │

│friend-ship as well as business.  │

│ We are sending you 5 pamphlets and a price-list covering  │

│our exports. Please advise what articles you are interested in │

│at present. │

│ Your early reply will be highly appreciated. │

│ Yours faithfully,    │



│ (Signature)   │

│Encl. As stated.   │



│ El Mar Trading Company  │

│ 12 Main Street  │

│ Fresno  │

│Our ref. KMP/DE California, U.S.A.│

│Your ref. Tel: 3--2345678 │

│Date: 20 January I9... Cable Address: ELMAR FRESNO│

│ China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuff  │

│ import & Export Corporation │

│ 82 Tung An Men Street│

│ Beijing │

│ People’s Republic of China  │


│Re Chinese Fruits & Nuts │

│We have made inquiry to the Liaison Office of the People’s│

│Republic of China in Washington, D. C. and they have asked│

│that we contact your office for the supply of the above com- │

│modity.  │

│We are importers, packers, and exporters of all types of dried│

│fruits and nuts. We have been in this line for almost fifty  │

│ years and sell both bulk packs and consumer packs here in the│

│ United States and abroad. We enclose a list showing our │

│ business activities. │



│We are interested to discuss with your representative the tyoes │

│of dried fruits and nuts which you have available for export│

│to the U. S. In this regard, we would like to visit the Guang- │

│zhou Trade Fair. I would be the only representative from our│

│firm who would travel to the Fair. │

│From the information we have been able to gather, I believe │

│that we could do a large import business in Chinese fruits and │

│nuts, for both bulk and consumer package trade.   │

│Kindly let us hear from you concerning the possibility of our  │

│attending the Trade Fair. For information concerning our firm, │

│you may contact the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the │

│California Dried Fruit Association or the Fresno Chamber of   │

│Commerce. They are well acquainted with our firm.  │

│Yours sincerely │


│ (Signature)   │

│Encl. as stated │



│ ~ M, D. Ewart & Co., Ltd.,   │

│ 36 Tower Street,  │

│ Toronto 4, Canada. │

│ August 22, 19...  │

│Our Ref. No. SWE/II9│

│Your Ref. No. M. 306/0038  │

│China National metals & Minerals│

│ import & Export Corporation,  │

│P. O. Box No. 65,  │


│People’s Republic of China. │

│Dear Sirs,\\\\│

│ Re: Heating Supplies  │

│ We are wholesale distributors of plumbing and heating sup- │

│plies and are interested in the products you show in the China │

│Foreign Trade No. 2 of 1976.│

│ We would like to hear from you with reference to import-  │

│~ng merchandise from China. If we can work together to our │

│mutual benefit, arrangements can be made for one of our rep-│

│resentatives to make the trip to China and contact your office │

│in person. │

│ We are herewith enclosing our latest catalogue showing the │

│items we carry at the present time. │

│ Please let us know whether you can manufacture items as│

│per Canadian patterns. │

│ Kindly send us your complete catalogue and price list quot-│

│ing the best discount for quantity buying. │

│ Thanking you for your kind attention to this matter and│

│trusting to hear from you in the near future, we are,  │

│ Yours truly,  │

│ M. D. Ewart & Co,, Ltd.│

│ (Signature)│

│ H. Smith  │

│ Manager│

│Encl. as stated.│



│February 1, 19__ │

│Mr. James Brown  │

│234 North Avenue │

│Smithville, Illinois 60041│

│Dear Mr. Brown,  │

│Your report on the planning session held by the Board of Directors of │

│Jones and Jones is an excellent summary and brings to us most │

│encouraging news. │

│We have decided to postpone the making of any specific offer for │

│another month. Thank you for making available to us the information we│

│needed.  │

│Early in March we will contact you for additional information and │

│instructions. │

│Sincerely yours, │

│E.H. Anderson │

│Controller   │


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